Shelter in Place: Day Whatever or I’ve Stopped Counting

I’ve quit counting the number of days of Shelter in Place—they’ve all bled together. Sometimes, I have to think twice about what day of the week it is. We are all healthy and our girls will continue with eLearning through the end of the school year. Still getting our new home put away from the move in February. Plenty of time on my hands for that. My daughters complain about being bored. You’d think they had been placed in solitary confinement. I look at it as an opportunity to catch up on domestic chores, read, and write more. We haven’t driven each other crazy yet.

In some cases, I wish social distancing was measured in miles rather than feet. Current residents of the house being an exception.

Started weeding my flower beds. There is a certain Zen-like experience in weeding-whether it’s the act of weeding or stepping back and looking at what I’ve accomplished. Very therapeutic.

“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.” – Mark Twain

Four rabbits were chasing each other around our front yard yesterday evening. Who says animals don’t have fun?

“If people sat outside and looked at the stars each night, I’ll bet they’d live a lot differently.” – Bill Waterson

Metanoia – a profound, usually spiritual transformation, conversion (

I’ve been wearing a mask when I go to the grocery store. I was amazed by the number of people who weren’t.

“The art of life is to know how to enjoy a little and to endure much.” – William Hazlitt

Spring beauties still blooming in our front yard. Dutchman’s breeches bloomed last week. Cut-leaf toothwort and bloodroot have come and gone but there are more spring wildflowers on their way. It is exciting to see what will bloom next. Spring wildflowers make me very happy.

The redbud tree at our old house bloomed for the first time. It was a sapling when we moved there in 2008 and it took over twelve years to bloom. What a beautiful sight.

A hairy woodpecker, chipping sparrow, and Carolina wren came to the suet feeder outside my library window as I was writing this. Beautiful birds.

“Neither genius, fame, nor love show the greatness of the soul. Only kindness can do that.” – Jean-Baptist Henri Lacordaire

Rainy days always compel me to sit down and think. They slow my body down and give my soul time to catch up on deeper thoughts. Sometimes a nap is required.

“I think of a hero as someone who understands the degree of responsibility that comes with his freedom” – Bob Dylan

Ochlophobia – an abnormal fear of crowds (

Monophobia – an abnormal fear of being alone (

Met my sons in Brown County State Park on Easter Sunday for a walk in the woods. Wonderful to walk among the spring wildflowers. The resurrection had a deeper meaning in the woods. I’m ready for a repeat.

“My chief task in life is simply this: to identify and separate matters so that I can say clearly to myself which are externals not under my control, and which have to do with choices I actually control – Epictetus

Stay Healthy and Happy!


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